Small Groups
Jesus said that the greatest commandments are to love God and to love our neighbors. We believe that small groups are one of the best ways to get to know and love each other. There are many opportunities for you to develop deeper relationships with each other and to give and receive support as we grow together.
Each small group is different, but one thing is the same: lives are formed and transformed in these groups when we meet together, pray, study, build relationships or work together. If you're attending services but not in a group, that's a great next step for you!
Small groups happen on a variety of days and times with some meeting at the church and others in people's homes. If you have children, Sunday morning and Wednesday night groups take place at the same time as Kids @ Christ Church.
For more information about small groups, contact Ryan Sloan or 563.391.5488. If you are ready to be connected with a group, fill out the form below.
Each small group is different, but one thing is the same: lives are formed and transformed in these groups when we meet together, pray, study, build relationships or work together. If you're attending services but not in a group, that's a great next step for you!
Small groups happen on a variety of days and times with some meeting at the church and others in people's homes. If you have children, Sunday morning and Wednesday night groups take place at the same time as Kids @ Christ Church.
For more information about small groups, contact Ryan Sloan or 563.391.5488. If you are ready to be connected with a group, fill out the form below.